Tammy Freeman
1 min readOct 9, 2023


This realization unlocked a new level in my liberation journey. I came to this understanding almost 2 years ago.

It is exhausting to try to control every narrative. The book The 4 Agreements is helpful with learning how to free yourself from this mindset, specifically the 2nd agreement, which says, “Don’t Take Anything Personally”.

I’m not interested in clearing up rumors, and I’m totally OK with letting people be wrong about me. I don’t care what someone heard, they can go back and hear it again for all I care.

The obsession with trying to control every narrative will drive you crazy. I let that go. If someone believes something about you that is untrue, they believe it because they want to and because they need to…that is a them problem, not a you problem.

I’m not concerned if some people don’t like me, because many people don’t even like themselves. I’m on my own journey and I just want people who support, genuinely love me and want to see me do well. Anyone else, can exit stage left.

It’s so good on this side! #getfree



Tammy Freeman

I’m Tammy! Disrupter. Advocate for social change. Social entrepreneur and equity-centered design practitioner. World citizen.